BHS has the best teachers!
BHS has the best teachers!
BHS has the best teachers!
BHS has the best teachers!
Attention Seniors
BHS has the best teachers!
BHS has the best teachers!
Join our district. It's a great day to be a Maroon!
BHS has the best teachers!
BHS has the best teachers!
BHS has the best teachers!
Congratulations to Kira Widener for qualifying for state.
Vocal Concert tomorrow at 7pm
We would like to clarify a school message sent out yesterday. Blackwell Public Schools will have a Title VI, Indian Education, Open Public Meeting on Monday, April 29th at 5:00pm at 201 E. Blackwell Ave. to review the proposed program details for the 2024-2025 school year. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Vocal's Spring Sing is May 2nd.
The girls did so well! I’m so proud of all their hard work.
Anna, Breannah, & Denay received Excellent (II) on their solos, as well as the Trio.
Ambrosha and Evelyn received Superior (I) on their solos!
Please congratulate they when you see them next!
Ambrosha Ellis, Breanna McCurry, Evelyn Mireles, Denay Stewart, and Anna Yinger earned Superior ratings at the OSSAA District Solo & Ensemble contest last month. Each young lady received a Superior on their solo and a Trio comprised of Evelyn, Breannah, and Anna also received a Superior rating.
We are headed to State Solo & Ensemble Contest on Thursday, April 18th.
All juniors must be present for the ACT on April 9th.
BHS is having a Cabaret on Thursday, April 4th at 7pm.