Home basketball vs Newkirk. JV starts at 4:30
Nathan Harmon will be speaking at BHS Auditorium.
No more Silo
The end of an era
Home Dual vs Cleveland.
Here are pictures of BMS Choir students and the whole choir (155 singers) performing at Circle the State with Song. We had a long day today, but they did so great!
BMS had 13 students and BES had 9 students participate in the CTSWS festival.
Wrestling Big 4 + 4 in Ponca today.
Wrestling @ Cushing tonight.
Home basketball game vs. Frontier
Due to inclement weather, there will be no school tomorrow.
NOC Basketball Tournament, January 18-20.
Wrestling Districts in Blackwell today. 12pm
Due to inclement weather, Blackwell Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, January 16..
Basketball @ Chisholm tonight.
Wrestling @ NOC Tonkawa tonight.
No school Monday, January 15th.
No School Monday, January 15th.
No school on Monday, January 15th.
January is School Board Appreciation Month, and we want to express our love and appreciation to our five outstanding board members: Angie Prince, Barbara Ihrig, Tami Bickford, Rich Cantillon and Abby Montoya. These five board members truly love the students and staff of Blackwell Public Schools, and they always strive to make decisions that are best for our district. Thank you for your service to Blackwell Public Schools.
Congratulations to Basketball Royalty:
Queen Samantha Vowell
King Jadrien Murray
Nora Jacobs
Valerie Vowell
Warren Gerboth
Kevin Rios
Matison McConnell
Annie Cloud
Jake Johnson
Kendyn Rogers
Azaily Gonzalez
Emmy Lorg
Nik FlyingOut
Luis Trejo